Airport Accessibility Analysis

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Accessibility Plan Analysis Overview

Objective: Analyze the airport's accessibility plan to identify initiatives specifically under the category of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). These initiatives should include activities related to speech-to-text, sign language, and multi-language support.

Key Deliverables:

  1. Clear Categorization: Group all identified initiatives strictly under the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) category. Ensure that each category name appears only once and covers all related measures.
  2. Detailed Information:
    • Use direct language and quotes from the accessibility plan itself to describe each initiative.
    • Clearly indicate the current Status of each initiative as either Completed, In Progress, or Planned.
    • Include the specific Page Number in the plan where each initiative is referenced.
  3. Clickable References: Provide clickable links that direct users to the exact page of the referenced PDF document for further review.
  4. Professional Presentation: Present all the information in a clean, well-organized table format. Sort the rows by Status, starting with Completed initiatives, followed by In Progress, and finally Planned initiatives.
  5. Citations: Ensure that every measure is properly cited with the page number where it is mentioned in the accessibility plan.